power trip


“Power Trip: the Story of Energy” is a top 10 rated streaming show on PBS according to the Neilson ratings. Power Trip is a 12-part, 12-hour-long documentary series directed by Mat Hames, based on Michael E. Webber's book. Season One explores energy in WATER, FOOD, CITIES, TRANSPORTATION, WEALTH and WAR. Season Two reveals energy as the underlying force that carries us to SPACE, causes large-scale DISASTERS, transforms WORK, CULTURE, and ENTERTAINMENT, and drives GLOBALIZATION.

Stream "Power Trip: The Story of Energy - A Documentary Series”, now available:

Stream the Series

Available on CPrime Video, AppleTV, PBS, Passport, and Kanopy

ZPryme Now Interview

On the heels of releasing the critically acclaimed Power Trip: The Story of Energy, last week Zpryme’s Erin Hardick pulled up with Dr. Michael Webber (Chief Science Officer, ENGIE – Professor, University of Texas) and Mat Hames (Founder/Executive Producer, Alpheus Media) covering the six-part PBS documentary series that takes viewers on a journey through the past, present and future of energy. Watch the full interview here.

From where Mat’s passion for filmmaking resonates to Dr. Webber sharing what major challenges face today’s energy system — learn more about the hidden energy that is embedded in our modern way of life. For more information on Power Trip visit: www.powertripshow.com